Houseplant Pest Spray
Houseplant Pest Spray

How to use:
Directions per pest:
Frequently asked questions
Over 10,000+ customers have found success with all sorts of pests and diseases, ranging from:
Fungus gnats, Mealybugs, Spider Mites, Thrips, Scale, Aphids, Whiteflies, Rust, and various Fungi.
Cinnamon bark oil, thyme oil, and peppermint oil can be toxic to your pets if ingested. Our pest spray dilutes these oils to create a safe formula, allowing you to use it in your house with your pets around*. Just be sure to keep them away during application until your foliage is dry.
*It is your responsibility to ensure your pets’ safety, so please be sure to research our ingredients if you’re concerned about your pets ingesting our insecticide. Birds are notoriously sensitive to strong smells, so be sure to put them in a separate room with a closed door.
Our Houseplant Pest Spray is safe to use on all houseplants ranging from succulents to tropical plants; you can't over-do it. If you're concerned about any of your plants, reassure yourself by testing it on a hidden portion of your plant and allowing it to dry. If you ever notice residue, wipe away with a Pest-Spray-soaked paper towel.
Because of our unique mixture and manufacturing processes, our oils are evenly emulsified throughout the formula, ensuring perfect coverage for Perfect Plantistas.
One 8oz bottle will fully douse the foliage, stems, and soil for 12 lush plants in 6" pots with some left to spare.
If you're a plant store and would like to offer our products in your store, please click here to visit our Faire page.
If you're looking for larger quantities for your houseplant collection, consider purchasing our concentrate that makes 16 of our 8oz bottles for $220 less!