How-to Pest Care

How to Get Rid of Mealy Bugs w/ Perfect Plantista's Houseplant Pest Spray

How to Get Rid of Mealy Bugs w/ Perfect Plantista's Houseplant Pest Spray

Mealy bugs, named for their cotton-like coating, can wreak havoc in your indoor plant collection. They feed on plant juices, causing leaves to yellow and drop. Perfect Plantista's Houseplant Pest Spray...

Jul 3, 2023 Zackry Brannen
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How to Get Rid of Spider Mites w/ Perfect Plantista's Houseplant Pest Spray

How to Get Rid of Spider Mites w/ Perfect Plantista's Houseplant Pest Spray

Spider mites, tiny pests that are often red or brown, can spell trouble for your indoor plant collection. They suck the sap from plants, leading to yellow spots, browning edges,...

Jul 3, 2023 Zackry Brannen
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How to Get Rid of Fungus Gnats w/ Perfect Plantista's Houseplant Pest Spray

How to Get Rid of Fungus Gnats w/ Perfect Plantista's Houseplant Pest Spray

Fungus gnats, small fly-like pests, can quickly and easily become a pain for any plant parent, expert or beginner. Although adult gnats do not harm plants, their larvae feed on plant...

Jul 2, 2023 Zackry Brannen
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